Top 3 Add-ons in ExpressionEngine

Top 3 Add-ons in ExpressionEngine

Even if you are a whiz at using ExpressionEngine, you can benefit from it a lot more if you download a few add-ons for it. Add-ons can be designed specifically to facilitate the content creation process, help with the website SEO and internet marketing strategies – or some other functions for those using this CMS.

Here are some of the best ones that are a hit with seasoned developers and newbies alike:

1.     Matrix

As the name implies, this add-on is a field type that can aid you in making matrices for your content. As an administrator you can use this to add several rows for similar content to streamline content management and without duplicating fields or using difficult templates. Some of the things you can do with it is rotating a hero section on a homepage or a personalized field that requires an image, title, URL and link text. You can also allow other admin to make hero messages as per requirement and allot minimum and maximum figures.

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4 Ways To Choose The Right Commercial Storage For Your Needs

4 Ways To Choose The Right Commercial Storage For Your Needs

For any office relocation to go to plan, it is recommended that you employ the services of a professional removalist company who can prove that they have helped many other businesses relocate successfully. The specific logistics of each office relocation will obviously differ, and it might be that, instead of everything moving on the same day, that some of it is placed in storage.

This storage is likely to be commercial storage units, and it might be the case that the removalists you choose either offer a storage service or can recommend a commercial storage company. That being said, you might have no option but to research commercial storage options yourself and select one best suited to your needs. From leading removalists and storage solution specialists, here are 4 ways to ensure you choose the right commercial storage for your needs.

Calculate The Amount Of Storage Space Required

The reason you need commercial storage and the amount of storage space you need will be determined by several factors. The first will be whether you are storing everything from your business due to a delay in moving to your new premises or just some of it. The second will be what sorts of items, goods, and equipment you need to store, and this will depend on the type of business you are.

You will first want to make an inventory of those items which are going to go into storage and establish the dimensions of them, especially larger items. By doing so you should now have a more accurate assessment of how much storage space you require and can then start planning for that with regards to how many commercial storage units you need and their capacities.

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Why Is It Important To Develop A Digital Marketing Strategy For My Website?

Why Is It Important To Develop A Digital Marketing Strategy For My Website?

If you own, manage, or otherwise look after a website, then you need to think about some form of digital marketing. Although digital marketing is extremely important in the modern world of online business, it’s amazing how many people don’t have a clear strategy outlined for their site.

If you don’t have a well-defined digital marketing strategy including a top-flight keyword strategy, the chances are that your website will be suffering. You probably won’t be getting as many visitors as you could be, and you almost certainly won’t be getting the best return no your marketing investments.

With this in mind, I’ve put together a short list of the main reasons why you should develop a digital marketing strategy for your business as soon as possible. They include:

  1. A well-defined strategy will allow you to direct your marketing expenditure

If you’re spending significant amounts of money on marketing, then you should be aiming for the best return on your investment possible. Without a clear digital marketing strategy, it can be hard to decide where to spend your money.

However, if you do manage to implement a clear marketing plan, you will find that you are able to identify profitable ways to spend your budget. You might be pleasantly surprised how much more return on investment you can get when you maximise your efficiency.

  1. You will be able to target more markets

Without a clear marketing strategy, the chances are that you’re not making the most of the digital marketing streams available to you – if you’re performing any marketing at all. Some of the different areas you should be considering include:

  • Social media marketing, including both paid and unpaid variations. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram are extremely powerful when harnessed right.
  • Google Ads marketing, which basically involves paying for ads which are placed at the top of the search engine results pages, among other places.
  • Search engine optimisation (SEO), which should be a major focus. If you can get a well designed search engine marketing strategy into place and get your website to rank well on the major search engines, you should see your visitor numbers skyrocket.

As you can see, there are numerous different platforms to consider when you’re developing your digital marketing strategy.

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6 Ways To Give Your Website A New Lease Of Life

6 Ways To Give Your Website A New Lease Of Life

Every now and again it pays to give your house a good old clean out, and the very same applies to your website. It may well be functioning well and converting at a reasonable rate too, but no business can stand still, and just as you would seek to refine your business offline, your online presence also needs some reconditioning from time to time.

Some of the ways to improve your website involve updating the actual website design – how it looks, and others in the way in which it operates. Both of these are equally important, as you want a website that looks great, but which also works perfectly too.

Give It a Fresh Appearance

The most obvious way to give your website a new lease of life is to give it a makeover, or a new appearance. Depending on how far you want to go with this, it could mean simply making changes to the colour scheme of the theme that you are using. For further reading, how often should you update web design?

Alternatively, you could go for a complete website redesign, which might tie in with a relaunch of your company’s branding, for example.

The more comprehensive you want the changes to be, the more sensible it will be to employ a web design agency as they can ensure your changes get made correctly, and that the functioning of your website is not compromised.

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How to Encourage Recycling in the Office

How to Encourage Recycling in the Office

It doesn’t matter what sort of business you run or the size of your premises – all offices in the modern world should be encouraging recycling on some level. Unfortunately, though, providing the facilities for recycling and actually making it work are two different things. I’ve worked with everyone from digital marketing companies to small retail businesses, and I’ve picked up numerous techniques to encourage recycling and minimize the amount of waste you send to landfill.

In the rest of this article, I’ve outlined some of the best ways to encourage your employees to recycle. Remember, awareness is the key to action. If people understand why they should be recycling, they will be much more likely to do it. Encourage recycling by:

Ensuring Bins Are Place in Strategic Locations

It’s extremely important to make sure your office recycling bins are placed in smart, easy-access locations that people notice. Consider adding separate bins for paper and other recyclables, and ensure there’s at least one in each room.

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Choosing The Right Hosting Provider For Your WordPress Website

Choosing The Right Hosting Provider For Your WordPress Website

WordPress is the world’s most popular content management system, with a huge percentage of websites using it to publish, edit and maintain their content marketing for your wordpress site. However, one of the keys to building a successful WordPress website is choosing the right hosting provider.

A lot of beginner web developers fall into the trap of using cheap web hosting that offers shared services. Unfortunately, these packages are usually unreliable and insufficient, especially if you want to scale your website and become a powerhouse in your niche.

With this in mind, we’ve put together a short guide to choosing the perfect web hosting provider for your new WordPress website.

Start By Identifying Your Needs

Think about what sort of website you’re planning on building, how much and what sort of content you’re planning on creating and how much traffic you envision having. If you’re planning on creating a small niche website with a limited number of visitors, then you probably won’t have to spend a lot on hosting. However, if you want to create a large site with a lot of visitors and a lot of content, then you will probably need to purchase dedicated hosting, or at least a VPS.

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How To Implement Content Strategies That Google Love

How To Implement Content Strategies That Google Love

You may have heard the phrase ‘Google loves content’, and to a degree it is true. When Google sends its spiders out into the online web, one of the most important elements on a website that they crawl is its content. For SEO purposes we obviously want to have content on our websites but there is more to it than just posting up random articles and blog posts.

To ensure that what you create serves a greater purpose than just being a ‘good read’, you need first to decide on a content strategy. Such a strategy will allow you to create a vision for your content which will cover its journey from creation, purpose, format, and management. In this article, we will take you through some of the key considerations when deciding on your content strategy.

Determine Your Vision

Business Advice suggests before you so much as type out the first article title, you need to decide on what the overriding vision is for your business and website, so that your content can contribute to it.  This part of the strategy should consider some of the longer-term goals you have, such as building an instantly recognisable brand or primarily selling products on an e-commerce site. These are just two of many possible goals.

Once you have determined the vision or goals, you are more able to plan your content’s direction of travel as it were. In other words, you’ll know why it’s being created, and what its purpose should be.

Who Are Your Audience?

If you were to start playing country and western music to a crowd of heavy metal fans, you are not likely to achieve much, other than emptying the arena you were playing in. The same applies to content online. it needs to match what your audience is looking for, and the only way to do that is to define what your audience is beforehand.

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Do I Really Need A Responsive Website For My Law Firm?

Do I Really Need A Responsive Website For My Law Firm?

Responsive websites. What are they? Do I already have one? Do I need one? Trying to build a solid online presence can be very difficult if you don’t have a technical background. Lawyers and firms trying to get an edge on their competitors ask themselves questions like this daily, let’s try to answer a few of them with the help of legal advice from Culshaw Miller.

As lawyers, your website is the most critical component of your online presence. If it isn’t well designed, your image can be harmed. After all, people won’t want to work with a company that can’t put a bit of time and effort into building an attractive website.

This Is One Of The Reasons Why Responsive Design Is Essential

Mobile devices dominate the modern world. The percentage of internet searches on mobile devices recently rose above the rate of searches performed on computers and laptops. This alone should be enough to make you see how important a responsive, mobile-optimised website is.

If your firm’s website doesn’t look good on a person’s device (be it a phone, a tablet or a computer), they won’t hang around to see what you’ve got to offer. You need to make sure that your site is attractive on all devices. Responsive design lets you do this.

How Does Responsive Design Work?

Simply put, a responsive website is built to adapt to different device sizes. Other elements will be positioned and sized according to the type of device and the screen size, ensuring they always appear attractive and easy to read.

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Setting Up Your First WordPress Website

Setting Up Your First WordPress Website

Creating your own website can be an extremely rewarding process. However, it can also be somewhat difficult if you don’t really know what you are doing. WordPress is the most popular option for beginners to set up their first website. In this article we will look at the two types of WordPress websites you can set up, along with how you should go about setting them up.

If you want to set up a simple blog or informational website, is almost definitely your best option. It is free, extremely easy to set up, and very simple to use. This platform offers everything from free hosting to a free domain name (within reason).

However, there are a few cons when it comes to using over These include having attached to the end of your domain name, a difficulty in monetising your site, and a significantly reduced customizability compared to open source website building platforms. Setting up a website can be done in just a couple of steps:

  1. Head over to and create an account. During the account creation process you will be asked to create a domain name and website name.
  2. Once you have your domain and website address, you are ready to start installing WordPress plugins and building your site!
  3. Although limited, does offer a few different ways of customizing your blog, including using different themes and colour schemes. Choose one which suits the image you are trying to create.
  4. Start creating content, learn some WordPress SEO techniques and encourage people to visit your site!

Yes, it actually is this easy to start designing a website with This is great for people like hobby bloggers or parents looking to document their family lives.

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SEO & Blog Posts – Building Quality Content For Your Firm’s Website

SEO & Blog Posts – Building Quality Content For Your Firm’s Website

Most digital marketing experts will agree that search engine optimisation is one of the most cost-effective and profitable ways to spend your law firm’s marketing budget. Things like Google AdWords and search engine marketing aren’t necessarily going to be very profitable for lawyers like they are for many other businesses, which means that they should be used with caution.

Building quality content is one of the cornerstones of an effective SEO strategy. Regular blog posts are a very good example of content which has the potential to boost your website’s search engine rankings, especially if they are well written and accurate. In this article you will discover why you should write blog posts, how they can benefit your firm and what sort of things you should include in all your posts.

Why should I be writing regular posts for my firms website?

To put it simply, blog posts are a great way to add more written content to your website. High quality written content is one of the main ranking factors that search engine bots look at when they are ranking your website, and it’s something that you need to focus on.

Regular blog posts will help increase the number of keywords that you’re ranking for, will help portray your website as an authority figure in the world of law and will help encourage more people to visit your website more regularly.

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